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Chelakkara Division Assembly Election Result 2011

Chelakkara Division Assembly Election Result 2011, Kerala Assembly Election 2011 Chelakkara Constituency Result and candidate wise Vote Status

Chelakkara Division Assembly Election Result 2011 and Candidate wise vote status are here with live update. Kerala Assembly Election 2006 Chelakkara Constituency was won by K Radhakrishnan of CPM with 62695 from 117018 polls

Kerala Assembly Election 2011 Chelakkara Constituency Result and Candidates List

Total votes : 173352
Polled votes : 132942
Polling : 76.69%
Result : Declared

Chelakkara (61) is the constituency coming under Thrissur District.
Total voters in Chelakkara constituency (Niyojaka Mandalam) is 173352

for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 and 132942 (76.69%) votes are polled.

K Radhakrishnan of CPIM LDF is Won in Chelakkara
Constituency for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 with 73683(55.42%)
Votes from 132942 polls and it is against KB Sasi Kumar of INC UDF with 24676 votes lead.

Candidate Name Group Result Percent
K Radhakrishnan CPIM LDF 73683  55.42%
KB Sasi Kumar INC UDF 49007  36.86%
VA Krishna Kumaran BJP OTH 7056  5.31%
A Subrahmaniyan SDPI OTH 2224  1.67%
Suresh Babu BSP OTH 972  0.73%

Candidates from Chelakkara constituency for Kerala Assembly election 2011 are K Radhakrishnan, KB Sasi Kumar, VA Krishna Kumaran, A Subrahmaniyan, Suresh Babu