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Koduvally Constituency Niyamasabha Election Result 2011

Koduvally Constituency Niyamasabha Election Result 2011, Kerala Assembly election 2011 Koduvally Division election Result and Candidate List

Koduvally Constituency Niyamasabha Election Result 2011, Kerala Assembly election 2011 Kuduvally Division Result and Candidate List, Koduvally Constituency Polling Status, All Candidate Vote Status are here. In 2006 Assembly election independent candidate PTA Raheem was won in Koduvally Division.

Kerala Assembly Election 2011 Koduvally Constituency Result and Candidates List

Total votes : 142154
Polled votes : 113824
Polling : 80.07%
Result : Declared

Koduvally (31) is the constituency coming under Kozhikode District.
Total voters in Koduvally constituency (Niyojaka Mandalam) is 142154

for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 and 113824 (80.07%) votes are polled.

VM Ummer of ML UDF is Won in Koduvally
Constituency for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 with 60365(53.03%)
Votes from 113824 polls and it is against M Mehaboob of CPIM LDF with 16552 votes lead.

Candidate Name Group Result Percent
VM Ummer ML UDF 60365  53.03%
M Mehaboob CPIM LDF 43813  38.49%
Gireesh Thevally BJP OTH 6508  5.72%
MT Abu Haji SDPI OTH 1688  1.48%
Aboobaker BSP OTH 496  0.44%
Mehboob K IND OTH 324  0.28%
Ummar IND OTH 313  0.27%
Mehboob I IND OTH 306  0.27%

Candidates from Koduvally constituency for Kerala Assembly election 2011 are VM Ummer, M Mehaboob, Gireesh Thevally, MT Abu Haji, Aboobaker, Mehboob K, Ummar, Mehboob I