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Parassala Constituency Assembly Election 2011 Result

Parassala Constituency Assembly Election 2011, Kerala Niyamsabha Election 2011 Parassala Division Result and Candidate List, Parassala political party wise Vote Status 2011, Kerala Assembly Parassala result 2011

Parassala Constituency Kerala Assembly Election 2011, Kerala Niyamsabha Election 2011 Parassala Division Result and Candidate List are given here and all candidate vote status will updated on May 13th 2011. Parassala Constituency in Thiruvananthapuram District, stay connected for the live result.

Kerala Assembly Election 2011 Parassala Constituency Result and Candidates List

Total votes : 187565
Polled votes : 135211
Polling : 72.09%
Result : Declared

Parassala (137) is the constituency coming under Thiruvananthapuram District.
Total voters in Parassala constituency (Niyojaka Mandalam) is 187565

for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 and 135211 (72.09%) votes are polled.

AT George of INC UDF is Won in Parassala
Constituency for Kerala Assembly Election 2011 with 60578(44.8%)
Votes from 135211 polls and it is against Anavoor Nagappan of CPIM LDF with 505 votes lead.

Candidate Name Group Result Percent
AT George INC UDF 60578  44.8%
Anavoor Nagappan CPIM LDF 60073  44.43%
S Suresh BJP OTH 10310  7.63%
J Sudhakaran BSP OTH 2269  1.68%
TK Viswambaran IND OTH 1207  0.89%
Ooruttukala Anilkumar SS 774  0.57%

Candidates from Parassala constituency for Kerala Assembly election 2011 are AT George, Anavoor Nagappan, S Suresh, J Sudhakaran, TK Viswambaran, Ooruttukala Anilkumar